My Favorite Song

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Love Quotes

" Love isn’t always going to be perfect. It’s not a fairytale or a storybook and it doesn't always come easy. Love is overcoming obstacles, facing challenges, fighting to be together, holding on and never letting go. It’s a short word, easy to spell, difficult to define and impossible to live without. Love is accepting all the complexities and simplicity. Love is work, but most of all, love is realizing that every hour, every minute and every second was worth it because you did everything together."

" Real pain is shown through smiles and laughter, not tears and frowns, because only the people who love and care enough for you can realize it's there."

" Give me Love and i'll give you Happiness.."

" Don't love someone because you want them to love you back. Love them because you do."

" If you've fallen in love, expect the tears, the pain and the unexpected.. 'Coz love is not made to make life perfect, but it helps life to be more worth living when it seems to be not."

" Love can hide, but love can't deny. Words can false, but eyes can show the truth. Pain will make you cry, but loosing your love can make you die. So tell your feelings before it's too late."